Nursery Section
The Nursery Section of Intellect Group of Schools stands to lay a solid foundation on which our pupils will attain their highest height in academics. We put in place all that will enhance our pupils and make them emerge as champions in life. We have a team of qualified teachers that are mothers. They help to instill good morals, discipline and give quality education. We do these by empowering them through seminars, making use of concrete teaching aids and creating enabling environment for pupils to learn at ease. Our classes are neat, tiled and well ventilated. We make use of white marker boards to avoid inhaling the dust from chalk.
For our Creche we have capable hands that can take care of your babies between the ages of 3months to 1year. The environment of our Creche is second to the home. Our style of teaching accomodates both the strong and the weak; making the strong academically the best and the weak better. Our phonics classes are second to none. This is where we teach our pupils the basic skill of pronunciation which enables them read at the appropriate time.
KG 1 Pupils can:
1. Copy letters and numbers from the board and recognize them 2. blend letters perfectly to form words 3. They get things done with little supervision .
KG 2 Pupils can:
1. Make simple sentences 2. Copy note from the white marker board 3. Write numbers and recognize them 4. Do presentation/recitations beautifully 5. They get things done without much supervision or co-ordination 6. They beat the school band during assembly .
KG 3 Pupils can:
1. Read fluently 2. Copy notes correctly from the white marker board 3. Spell words of multiple syllables 4. Speak correctly and boldly 5. Read and answer questions themselves 6. And display leadership qualities.
Pre-KG Pupils:
The Pre-KG class is also an interesting one. The pupils in our pre-kg classes are between the ages of 2 and 3 years. They can write and recognize letters and numbers, recite poems, do general studies and can also express themselves.

Our Teachers

Mrs O. D. Ikpefua

Mrs M. Samuel