Privacy Policy for Gracious Education Centre
Educational Mission
Gracious Education Centre is dedicated to fulfilling a special role in society as both educators and protectors of students. Our primary mission is to provide every child in our care with a safe, secure, and nurturing environment that fosters their mental, spiritual, and social development.Educator Responsibilities
Our educators, through ongoing observation and interaction, are uniquely equipped to identify students who require academic and moral support. They hold a professional and ethical responsibility to recognize these needs and take appropriate actions to ensure that each child receives the best education possible.Children's Privacy
We comply with COPPA regulations. We take measures to protect our student's data and ensure their privacy.Our Target
Gracious Education Centre strives to be a safe haven for students who may be experiencing neglect in any aspect of their lives. To achieve this, we employ trained teachers who are dedicated to realizing our goals and objectives of providing the highest level of education. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment that enhances the self-worth and dignity of each child while respecting the rights of others.
- Foster a high level of social competence
- Promote an ability to problem solve
- Promote resilience
- Foster a sense of community