Primary Section

Primary Section

The Primary Section consists of two different parts, the Lower and the Upper parts.

The lower primary comprises Primary One and Two. Teaching at this level is aided with teaching resources to capture pupil's attention and stimulate their interest. Most of our pupils are capable of reading without any help from their class teachers. This is because at Primary One, the pupils are already exposed to Primary Two scheme of work and Primary Two pupils are exposed to Primary Three scheme. It continues in this order until they get to Primary Five when they are enrolled for Primary Six Leaving Certificate Examination. Teaching at this level is based on specialization. The subjects offered are fashioned according to the Basic Education Cirriculum. These subjects are: Mathematics, English Language, Religion and National Values, Basic Science and Creative Arts.

The upper primary conprises Primary Three, Four and Five and they also offer subjects in line with the Basic Education Curriculum. At this level, the pupils are taught simpificatiion of fractioins, HCM, LCM, multiplication, division of numbers and decimal (Using BODMAS) plane shapes, algebra etc. They are also taught pronunciation, letter/essay writing, basic comprehension and grammar skills. Pupils also learn the theoretical and practical aspects of the computer by using the computer laboratory.


The primary section is manned by qualified, God fearing and experienced teachers with diverse qualifications such as BSC, B.A, B.A.Ed.


Every session we introduce a one hour reading/Mathematics class everyday for low flyers. Also we separate the weak ones from the strong ones. We have also participated in several competitions like debate competition organized by our Lady of Mercy in conjunciton with the Ministry of Education, debate organized by NTA Benin network centre and a host of others. In the aspect of discipline, the primary section has achieved much, as our pupils come early to school, wear neat uniforms and they have been trained to be respectful and obedient


Our goal is to offer quality teaching geared towards preparing tomorrow's Intellectuals who are God fearing, obedient and can fit into the competitive society

Our Teachers

OUR Procedure


Admission is conducted through testing and scruitining of the child to ascertain the appropriate class postion


The pupil must have proof of result from Nursery school as an evidence of being in school before coming into primary section.


We conduct examination for new intakes and pupils are tested in the following subjects Maths, English, Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning.

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