Online Registration Process
What you must know about online registration:
Every student or pupil in Gracious Education Centre must register his or her biodata information in the school database portal or else they will not be regarded as a student/pupil of the school. To register your data, follow the steps below:
STEP 1 First click on REGISTER NOW below this page
STEP 2 Type in the PIN NUMBER given to you in the school and click LOGIN
STEP 3 Then you have the registration page, fill all the information correctly and the ones with asterisk ( * ) means you must fill that data before you submit. Please take note that you must scan your passport photograph and upload it. When you are done filling the data then click on SUBMIT
STEP 4 The Student/Pupil ELIGIBILITY form will appear then print out two (2) copies. One of the copies should be submitted to the principal or head mistress of the school and the other copy to your parents or guardians. Make sure your computer is connected to a printer before printing.
STEP 5 Finally, take note of your STUDENT ID and PASSWORD because you need it to login to your user profile environment so as to enable you make changes to your biodata information.